Ox.Eagle.Lion.Man. - Thanatos

Thanatos :
I went into the garden and I told the soil to stop,
I spoke with as much authority as any human has got

But x cannot change whilst y remains the same,
Oh modify me, modify me, make me more than a man,
Cut me up and clarify exactly what I am

my body is not evolution's greatest work of art,
5 senses and a carcass with a faintly beating heart

Oh x cannot change whilst y remains the same,
Oh modify me, modify me, make me more than a man,
Cut me up and clarify exactly what I am

oh curse me with an arkane ability,
the courage to face my own mortality,
give me 17 seconds of supremacy,
give me insight into anything but this this this this this

sometimes its hard to tell apart the blessing from the curse,
thankyou for the gift of manhood I can think of nothing worse

So x cannot change whilst y remains the same,
Oh modify me, modify me, make me more than a man,
Cut me up and clarify exactly what I am

i can't help but think creation's fallen into the wrong hands,
when infinite design provides the woman and the man,
all you broken figureheads of faith watch your ideas bleed,
turn to science for you answers, still find nothing, nothing that you need

Oh modify me, modify me, make me more than a man,
Cut me up and clarify exactly what it is I am
modify me, modify me, make me more than a man,
cut me up and clarify exactly why I'm damned,
to just stand idly by,
like the caterpillar who refuses to become a butterfly,
I wish that I could even begin to decipher the device
designed to manufacture itself,
a pre-programmed obsession,
with birth strength and health,
but perpetual motion does not stop to ask why
I'll interpret our memories of dreams,
which the more we try to recollect,
the less that we can see,
oh the more I try to picture them the more I feel lost
in these binary schematics of impossible machines,
as we naively try and tell ourselves that nothing's as it seems,
but maybe the dillemma is that everything is as it is,
and will be, and of course was before,
watch the apple decompose from its skin to its core,
and follow its lead back into the soil
that bore us and nurtured us, was there for us all,
and which we started to neglect,
but was still there to break our fall,
and there on our hands and our knees we will crawl,
and we scream where is the manuscript
that will tell us what to do,
dictate our every sentence
and dictate our every move,
let us pretend this was all part of
the plan that we knew,
that we had all along,
before things got confused,
and we started to go wrong,
before we all lost our way,
oh inventor, let there be a way.